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"First-Person Controller" is an asset package for Unity. The project is free and open source. You can find the source code and further details in the project repository on GitHub. The footage shows the First-Person Controller in the context of the open source sample project "Mapper's Peak".

Features: The player controller combines a solid controller base with many on-demand features. These include different input modules (mouse & keyboard, gamepad, A.I., network, ...), locomotion modules (navmesh, physics, ...), and side effect modules (particles, sound, ...).

Use the Asset: You can find a quick start guide that explains how you can include this package in your project in the project repository.

Development: The implementation relies on UniRx and Unity's "new" input system to provide a solution based on a clear and maintainable architecture that is easy to extend. The asset was created in 2020 as a project to teach principles of reactive programming in the lectures Interaction Methods and Devices and 3D User Interfaces.

Support & Contribute: If you want to support me and my projects, you can follow me on GitHub. Just come by and say hello. I would love to hear how you are using this project. If you want to contribute to this project, you are welcome to do so. Leave me a message and we will find a way to collaborate.

— First-Person Controller for Unity
