This project is about an ever-evolving knowledge graph on the subject of "Gamespace". The graph contains over 800 entries, and it is always expanding. Currently, I am collaborating on this project with Claudio Belloni, a game engineer at TUM. Together, we are working on a comprehensive knowledge base to understand games as systems of space and time.
Originally created as a foundation for research, this knowledge graph has now also become a key part of my teaching curriculum. Moving away from traditional slide-based presentations, I incorporate the knowledge graph directly into my teaching, allowing students to access a web-hosted version for a more interactive learning experience.
The knowledge graph is not currently publicly available, but I am considering its future release. In the meantime, if you are working with me on a research project, ask me for access to the knowledge graph; otherwise, stay in touch for updates on my future publications based on this knowledge graph.
This knowledge graph delves deep into gamespaces and seeing games as systems of space and time. Within this graph, each entry is termed a Node. These nodes symbolize specific aspects, thoughts, ideas, or concepts. The connections between nodes are established by Links, weaving together an intricate web of knowledge.
The foundational philosophy of this knowledge graph is to intertwine practical processes with theoretical knowledge and experience, creating a seamless fusion of theory and practical insight. This approach is realized through Fundamentals, Perspectives, Foci, Cases, and References.