The Semester Game Jam is a game jam event at the Technical University of Munich. The event takes place once every semester. In 42 hours, you plan, design, and develop a game on a given topic. The event is organized by students at TUM–an event made by students for students.
The Story Begins: In 2016, together with fellow students, we decided to take our small game jam at our faculty to the next level. The idea for the semester game jam was born. The underlying ideas behind the game jam are simple: networking, education, and fun.
The Game Jam Experience: Game jams always provide a great experience: the limited development time creates the event's appealing atmosphere. The teams can try out new, unconventional ideas and games. It's all about team spirit, creativity, and fun. Participants are challenged and encouraged in their teamwork and organizational skills, learn new technical tricks, and gain insights into other areas of game development. Designers, artists, programmers, writers, and musicians can connect, share their experiences, and build a basis for future projects and collaborations.
More than just Game Development: But the event is not only about development: besides an awesome environment for game development, the event is complemented with diverse side activities including achievements, talks of industry professionals, mentoring, and much more.
As one of the founding members, I am especially proud that the Semester Game Jam is still going on and has been one of the biggest game jams in Germany for over six years now. On the Semester Game Jam website, you will find more information about past and future events. But the best thing is to take part yourself: just sign up for the next Semester Game Jam!