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Rise of a Monster

"Rise of a Monster" is a 2D jump'n'run game from 2016. It was developed for the "Storyworlds" course at the university.

A little Monster: This game tells the story of a little monster with a huge appetite. Living on a remote island, not suspecting anything, not expecting anything, our little friend just spends his days eating his way through one pile of fruit after another. But with the invasion of an army into this paradise world and a nuclear test, everything changes. Throughout the course of events, our little monster gets new powers to follow the call of his appetite. This is the story of a monster whose destiny will be to invade big cities, trample skyscrapers, shoot laser beams, and fight against giant monster apes.

Story and Style: Next to the storyworld we have created for this game, we wanted to focus on a specific look and feel for the game, giving the feeling of being inside of a comic. All the design choices were aimed towards this goal, including visual style, as well as features such as onomatopoeia for all gameplay actions. With the animated intro, we wanted to convey the feeling of an animated comic.

The result of this project was a storyworld with a nice little jump'n'run game set in this world. I really enjoyed working on this game and I can recommend everyone to take a course on storyworlds once in their studies.

Poster for media Rise of a Monster.